Home Caribbean News What’s on Our Nightstands? “Vida verdadera en el Caribe”

What’s on Our Nightstands? “Vida verdadera en el Caribe”


So pleased to have received the latest novel by Aurora Arias, Vida verdadera en el Caribe: La novela de James Gatto (Caligrama 2023). [Also see previous post Vida verdadera en el Caribe.]

Description: On a crazy night of rum, sex and bachata in Luxembourg, James Gatto and Gladys Agramonte—his Dominican lover based in Rome—plan a getaway to the Dominican Republic with the promise of living there together forever. Gatto, a sales executive at a toothbrush factory in Switzerland, abandons everything he knows and sets out on an adventure, emulating the literary explorers who came before him. Along the way, he will meet other beings lost in the clarity of the Caribbean sun who, like him, are looking for a true life, with the added task of surviving in an exhausting country that has everything.

Aurora Arias [biography from Words without Borders]: Aurora Arias (Santo Domingo, 1962–) is a poet and fiction writer, and considered one of the most important members of her poetic generation, “the generation of the 80s.” She has two books of poetry, Vivienda de pajaros and Piano lila, and three books of short stories, Invi’s Paradise y otros relatosFin de mundo y otros relatos, and Emoticons. She was co-editor of Quehaceres, a journal published by Centro de Investigación para la Acción Femenina (CIPAF).

Her work has been translated into a number of languages, including English, French, German, Icelandic, Bengali, and Italian, and selected for many anthologies, including Common Threads: Afro Hispanic Women’s Literature, ed. Clementina Adams (1998); Sólo cuento (2010); and Les bonnes nouvelles de l’Amérique latine (2010).

For more information, see https://www.amazon.com/Vida-verdadera-Caribe-novela-Spanish/dp/8419653284

So pleased to have received the latest novel by Aurora Arias, Vida verdadera en el Caribe: La novela de James Gatto (Caligrama 2023). [Also see previous post Vida verdadera en el Caribe.] Description: On a crazy night of rum, sex and bachata in Luxembourg, James Gatto and Gladys Agramonte—his Dominican lover based in Rome—plan a getaway