Home Caribbean News Lecture (FIU)— “The Punto Cubano: A Study of Its Discography”

Lecture (FIU)— “The Punto Cubano: A Study of Its Discography”


Co-sponsored by the Díaz-Ayala Collection at the FIU Libraries and the Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center at Florida International University, the Cuban Research Institute welcomes Amaya Carricaburu (Professor of Music, International University of Valencia, Spain), who will present “The Punto Cubano: A Study of Its Discography during the Period 1906–1958.”

The event, to be held in Spanish, is free and open to the public. It will take place on Thursday, April 4, 2024, at 1:00pm, at Green Library, Room 220, FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus (University Towers, 11150 SW 14th Street, Miami, Florida). [To confirm your attendance, please write cri@fiu.edu or call (305) 348–1991.]

Description: The punto cubano or punto guajiro is one of the most rooted genres in Cuban music; it is also among the first to be considered as an original product of the island. From about the second half of the 19th century to the present day it has not ceased to be heard in the island’s countryside and towns. Because the punto cubano has traditionally been transmitted orally, without any written documentation (although its décima poetry can be found in scattered form), it has been very difficult to reconstruct its sonority beyond the memory of our oldest informants, that is, from the first decades of the last century. The in-depth study of the first sound recordings, as well as their evolution during the 20th century reflected in the discography, has not yet been fully addressed.

In this lecture, Dr. Amaya Carricaburu will examine the stylistic diversity of the punto cubano, which was originally geographical as well, between the central and western areas of the country, as well as the evident tendency to invariability that this musical genre presents today. The lecture is based on a careful study of the Cuban puntos found in the Díaz-Ayala Collection for the period 1906–1958. The collection offers a unique possibility to review not only the first phonographic records but also the evolution of the genre itself, as embodied in several dozen vinyls and LPs. 

For more information, see https://mailchi.mp/57189d1e5a0c/cri-lecture-the-punto-cubano-a-study-of-its-discography-during-the-period-19061958-april-4-1pm?e=906adf6231

[Photo above from Colección Radio Gladys Palmera.]

Co-sponsored by the Díaz-Ayala Collection at the FIU Libraries and the Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center at Florida International University, the Cuban Research Institute welcomes Amaya Carricaburu (Professor of Music, International University of Valencia, Spain), who will present “The Punto Cubano: A Study of Its Discography during the Period 1906–1958.” The event, to be held