Home Caribbean News Fabienne Kanor: Annual Walter Rodney Lecture

Fabienne Kanor: Annual Walter Rodney Lecture


The Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies (University of Warwick) presents guest speaker Fabienne Kanor, who will deliver the Annual Walter Rodney Lecture.

Writer, filmmaker, and Associate Professor at Penn State University Dr Fabienne Kanor, will present “Towards a Resetting of the ‘Passage’: Identifying Black Bodies in the Colonial Archives.” This event takes place on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at 5:15pm (GMT) in Room OC0.03, Oculus Building, University of Warwick.

For more information on this public talk, visit https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/hrc/eventscalendar/m

For more on Fabienne Kanor, see https://french.la.psu.edu/people/quk165/ [Photo above by Rodrigo Vazcano (FCAT): Fabienne Kanor, director of Et le grand trou noir où je voulais me noyer. See photo and article (in Spanish) at https://www.elsaltodiario.com/cine/fabienne-kanor-andalucia-ancestros-entrevista.]

The Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies (University of Warwick) presents guest speaker Fabienne Kanor, who will deliver the Annual Walter Rodney Lecture. Writer, filmmaker, and Associate Professor at Penn State University Dr Fabienne Kanor, will present “Towards a Resetting of the ‘Passage’: Identifying Black Bodies in the Colonial Archives.” This event takes place on