Home Caribbean News CFP: Maryse Condé and Caribbean Crossings

CFP: Maryse Condé and Caribbean Crossings


A celebration of the work of Maryse Condé in the Caribbean context, “Maryse Condé and Caribbean Crossings,” will be held on May 10, 2024, in London, UK. Jointly organized by the Centre for Comparative Literature and the Centre for Caribbean and Diaspora Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London, and the Institut français du Royaume-Uni, it will feature Simone A. James Alexander (Seton Hall University, USA) as keynote speaker. To open the celebrations, a round table discussion will be held at the Institute Français on 9 May 9, 2024. The deadline for submission of paper proposals is December 22, 2023.

Description: Maryse Condé is the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe’s most fêted author, one of the French-speaking world’s greatest writers, the recipient of numerous major prizes and accolades, and the author of novels, plays, short stories, children’s books, memoirs and essays that criss-cross the Caribbean and the Black diaspora.

This conference, Maryse Condé and Caribbean Crossings, will examine how crossings manifest themselves not only geographically, but in multiple intersecting ways in Maryse Condé’s works. The conference will also honour her remarkable oeuvre by exploring its interconnections with, and impact on Caribbean literature, theatre and thought more broadly. Just one example of Condé’s extraordinary impact in the Caribbean is provided by the echoes of her writings found in the theatres of Ina Césaire, Simone Schwarz-Bart, Gerty Dambury and Suzanne Dracius.

Migration and exile in all directions along the triangular trans-Atlantic route – between Africa, the Caribbean and South America, between the Americas and Africa, between the Caribbean and Europe, between Europe and Africa – feature in much of her work, as do journeys that are more than merely spatial and include visitations from the world of spirits to the living by ancestors and parents, representing haunting, spectral stories that illustrate how the past – histories of enslavement, the Middle Passage, colonial occupation, racial discrimination, bereavement, filial alienation – resurfaces in successive generations. But the interaction between spirits and the living can also be protective, and establish connections between the sacred and the secular, thought and nature, animate and inanimate worlds, providing characters with insights and solace.

Condé’s characters are caught in the crossfire of history, the universes created by her writings are typified by hybridity, nomadism, métissage, creolity, multiculturalism and plurality, exploring syncretism both on national and global scales, in linguistic and cultural spheres, and on a personal level, where power dynamics play out between characters of different ‘races’, classes and genders.

Intertextual references abound in her work, which also combines her postcolonial revision of canonical works with more popular literary forms. Condé’s fiction lies at the aesthetic crossroads not only between the haut style of the French literary tradition and popular fiction, and between historical narration and fictional fabulation, but also between the intimately poetic and the cinematically epic, while navigating the choppy waters, at times courting controversy, between Caribbean artistic and activist movements like négritudeantillanité or créolité. As she expresses in her essay ‘Order, Disorder, Freedom, and the West Indian Writer’ (1993), she favours the fluidity of interconnections over the fixity of identity.

The notion of ‘crossing’, which features in the title of one of Condé’s novels, Crossing the Mangrove (1989), will guide enquiries and debates over the course of our conference. Examining how Condé’s works move across and between different aesthetic, linguistic, cultural, geographical, historical and ontological sites, this conference welcomes contributions on all Caribbean literatures in the expanded sense – including theatre and performance – in French, English, Spanish and Creole.

Topics can include but are not limited to: Geographical journeys; Communication between the living and the dead; Contact between the human and non-human worlds; Family genealogies; Intersecting stories and narrative techniques; Generic hybridity; Syncretic, hybrid, plural, intersecting cultures; Transitions between French, Creole and other languages; Translation; The combination of history and fiction – history as fiction, and fiction as history; Crossing lines between what is perceived as acceptable and polemical; Intertextual connections or rewritings (e.g. Dickens, Brontë and other works from the canon); and the impact of Maryse Condé on Caribbean literature.

Please send your proposal of not more than 300 words for a 20-minute paper by 22 December 2023 to: CCL@gold.ac.uk (please include the words “Caribbean Crossings” in the subject line).

Papers can be presented in English or French. French papers should be accompanied by a one-page summary in English.

For more information, see https://sites.gold.ac.uk/comparative-literature/cfp-maryse-conde-and-caribbean-crossings/ and https://sites.gold.ac.uk/comparative-literature/maryse-conde-and-caribbean-crossings/

[Shown above: detail from the banner from Research Centre for Comparative Literature at Goldsmiths page: https://sites.gold.ac.uk/comparative-literature/.]

A celebration of the work of Maryse Condé in the Caribbean context, “Maryse Condé and Caribbean Crossings,” will be held on May 10, 2024, in London, UK. Jointly organized by the Centre for Comparative Literature and the Centre for Caribbean and Diaspora Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London, and the Institut français du Royaume-Uni, it will feature Simone A.