Home Caribbean News Celebrating the Wisdom of Generations: A Cayman Quilt Project

Celebrating the Wisdom of Generations: A Cayman Quilt Project


[Many thanks to Veerle Poupeye (Critical.Caribbean.Art) for bringing this item to our attention.] April Cummings (Cayman Life TV) writes, “Let’s celebrate the incredible legacy of Cayman’s midwives!” She reports on a project organized by The Friends and Needles group— “a group of incredible ladies [that] has come together to weave a beautiful tapestry of history and heritage!” They created a quilt that pays homage to all the women who played a vital role in childbirth, the Cayman Islands midwives. The video presented in the article features cultural practitioner Nasaria Suckoo Chollette, who created a film on midwifing in Cayman, and all the women who took part in this “tapestry of experience.”

Cummings writes: “In a world before doctors and hospitals, these midwives were the pillars of support, guiding new life into the world with love, experience, and a deep connection to the natural rhythms of life. [. . .] The quilt tells the story of their strength, wisdom, and the sacred art of birthing that they carried with them through generations.

Each patch on the quilt represents a piece of this rich history – a stitch in time that connects us to our roots. From the vibrant colors symbolizing the diversity of Caymanian culture to the intricate patterns reflecting the delicate dance of life, every detail is a tribute to the extraordinary journey of childbirth that once unfolded in the hands of these amazing women. [. . .]

The Midwives and Home Births Quilt is a testament to the power of community, creativity, and preserving the stories that make us who we are.” [. . .] 

For video and full story, see https://www.caymanlife.ky/midwifequilt/

[Many thanks to Veerle Poupeye (Critical.Caribbean.Art) for bringing this item to our attention.] April Cummings (Cayman Life TV) writes, “Let’s celebrate the incredible legacy of Cayman’s midwives!” She reports on a project organized by The Friends and Needles group— “a group of incredible ladies [that] has come together to weave a beautiful tapestry of history and heritage!”